
Our Mission

Hendrickson will build value for our employees, customers and stakeholders by delivering timely, cost-effective and innovative ride solutions to advance the global commercial transportation industry.

Our Vision

The World Ride on Us

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Integrity, Trust and Respect

Commitment to doing the right thing. Stewardship of our people, resources, and community. Integrity and respect for each other in every situation. Safe workplace and products.

Outstanding Employees

Outstanding Employees

Good people with the right tools to achieve superior results. Spirit of entrepreneurship in a decentralized organization. Empowerment and accepting responsibilities.



Development opportunities for employees to grow. Excellence and continuous improvement in all we do. Open, honest, fact-based communication. Lead by example. Continuous learning.



Collaboration across all businesses. Commitment to share information and best practices. Diverse views encouraged and respected. Celebrate successes.

Passion for the Business

Passion for the Business

Sense of urgency. Commitment to quality and success. No bureaucracy. Goal and results orientation.

Our Customers

Our Customers

Products that meet current customer needs but also future requirements. Our leadership stature as innovative, differentiated product pioneers. Excellence in customer service.

Building for the Future

Building for the Future

Long-term vision. Seize opportunities and identify hidden potential in people, products, and markets. Future-focused decision-making. Protect, nurture, and grow our business in the global economy. Effective, efficient use of our resources to maximize profits.