Air over walking beam suspension system

AR2 Air Over Walking Beam Suspension

AR2™ delivers a better ride, longer life, and lighter weight for more payload capacity, improved durability for less downtime, high articulation capabilities for on/off road applications and designed and manufactured components that deliver more comfort and even better system performance.

AR2 Air Over Walking Beam Suspension

Features and Benefits

  • The Hendrickson AR2 gives you a better ride and improved suspension performance by converting your RT/RTE suspension into a walking beam air suspension
  • The air spring system in AR2 absorbs the load and road inputs — delivering the preferred combination of empty-ride and loaded stability for vocational applications
  • Hendrickson-designed air springs constantly adjust to changing road and load conditions to deliver superior ride quality
  • Improved ride reduces road shock and vibration to the vehicle for longer service life and fewer repairs to the cab, chassis and body equipment
  • Air springs provide long service life and easy replacement
  • Bar pin rubber end bushings extend service life and provide alignment capability
  • Hendrickson parts and service available at thousands of locations worldwide.
  • Comprehensive technical support


Model AR2 40K AR2 46K AR2 40K AR2 46K
Installed Weight2 (lbs.) 664 669 1,079 1,084
Suspension Rating (lbs.) 40,000 46,000 40,000 46,000
GVW Approval3 (lbs.) 73,000 80,000 73,000 80,000
GCW Approval (lbs.) 160,000 190,000 160,000 190,000
Site Travel Rating4 (lbs.) 55,000 60,000 55,000 60,000
Diagonal Articulation5 (in.) 14 14 14 14
Ride Heights (in.) 9.5, 10.5 9.5, 10.5 9.5, 10.5 9.5, 10.5
Axle Spacing (in.) 52, 54 52, 54 52, 54 52, 54
Lift Axles See Below7 See Below8 See Below7 See Below8

AR2 is approved6 for vocational truck applications such as dump under 18 feet, crane/boom and platform applications.
Contact Hendrickson for approval of additional applications.

1. Conversion kit center bushing — if existing RT/RTE suspension includes bronze center bushings, they must be replaced with rubber center bushings. Bronze center bushings are incompatible with transverse torque rods.

2. Installed weight is for 52-inch axle spacing. Conversion kit installed weight includes torque rods, axle brackets and frame brackets. Complete assembly installed weight includes fabricated equalizing beam assembly, cross tube, torque rods, axle brackets and frame brackets. Any comparison to other suspensions should consider all of these components, including axle brackets.

3. Contact Hendrickson for applications that may exceed GVW approval ratings.

4. Site Travel Rating — Ratings are limited to no more than 5% of vehicle operation at speed not to exceed 5 mph. Site travel ratings are consistent with published axle manufacturer’s limitations. Axle and suspension site travel specifications must not be exceeded.

5. Suspension articulation may exceed vehicle’s capability and may be limited by vehicle manufacturer; vehicle manufacturer installed axle stops may restrict suspension’s articulation.

6. AR2 is approved for vehicles equipped with aluminum beams up to a 38K maximum capacity.

7. No add-on lift axles

8. One or more lift axles. Maximum 50,000 lbs. load on suspension for site travel.


File Name Rev. Date Size

Sales Brochures

45745-225 AR2 Brochure H 6/1/2023 0.5 MB

Parts Lists

45745-147 Equalizing Beam and Components Selection Guide G 5/14/2024 1.21 MB
SP-177 AR2 Rear Air Suspension Parts List for Manitowoc and Standard 40K/46K G 10/22/2019 1.19 MB

Service Guides/Manuals

17730-241 AR2 Rear Walking Beam Technical Procedure B 10/25/2019 6.63 MB
12463-033 B4 U AR2 Tech Tips A 9/5/2012 0.74 MB
conversion kits

Conversion Kits

A "Hendrickson Conversion Kit" is a way for you to re-invest in, or re-invent, your truck. Our kits are custom designed to your vehicle specifications and desired application.



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